Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Korean Vampires

Spring has arrived & Summer is sneaking up quick, the sun is here and it's starting to finally get warmer. For us in the Western world... this means: take it all in, tanning time and wanting to be outside 24/7. For the Koreans on the other hand, they value their pale complexion. A tan means you work outside and you're lower class. Pale is beautiful. They usually cover EVERYTHING.

They even have face BLEACH products...... Geisha wannabes:

Whether it's a mask, a HUGE visor or even a towel, their skin is covered, from head to toe. Here is the infamous UV Protector mask also known as the 'Duck mask' as it makes them look like they have a pink duck beak:

Shane & myself spotted two young girls the other day running for the shade, holding their school folders over their faces, shielding themselves from the unforgiving sun. It's as if they are afraid of the sun. They may turn to dust. So I have come to the conclusion...

VAMPIRES.:. Definitely Vampires.